Hey, Great forums you have here. I've made sure there was no other post on this (even though i wish there were) So i ordered the game online and it arrived today. After installing it, i installed the patch (1.1) then ran it, it asks me about refresh rates so i leave it on default and start the game. I then breefly get a blackscreen, then takes me back to the desktop with the error message:
NLE0001: There is no registry entry for the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CyberLife Technology\3\engine.exe \Main Directory
Now i went to regedit and looked in that location and there was nothing there to do with that.
I've un-installed, re-installed under admin/compatibility tried manually adding the reg files but to no avail.
dxdiag is attached.
I hope this can be sorted and thanks in advance.